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Constitution and by-Laws

Section I. Name, Address and Nature

The International Buffalo Federation (IBF) was founded upon the unanimous recommendation of the General Assembly at the First World Buffalo Congress in Cairo, Egypt in 1985.

The Federation is an independent, non-political, non-religious and non-profit international organization.

The permanent headquarters of the International Buffalo Federation is Rome, in Via Salaria 31, 00015 Monterotondo, at the Animal Production Research Institute, where is established the permanent Secretariat with the General Secretary and the Scientific Committee.

The seat of the Federation is the country which will be hosting the World Buffalo Congress.

Section II. Objectives and Activities

The Federation objectives is to promote the advancement of research and development of Buffaloes throughout the world.

It organizes world congresses, courses and roundtables; promotes the exchange and dissemination of scientific and technological knowledge; facilitates the spread of information on buffalo production and development; promotes internationally planned research; enhances the contact among scientist and extension personnel concerned with buffalo production; assist in strengthening the linkage between national, regional and international research; establishes and maintains relations with other organizations whose interests are related to the objectives of the Federations.

Section III. The Official Language

The official language at the World Congresses of the Federation is English.

The working language of the Secretariat is English.

Section IV. World Buffalo Congress

The World Buffalo Congress shall be held every three years. Regional and National Congresses will not be held in conflict with the World Congress.

Section V. Organization and Institution and Election of Officers

The International Buffalo Federation is organized on a regional basis. For the purposes of the Federation, each continent shall be a region.

The Institutions of the International Buffalo Federation are the General Assembly, the Secretariat, the Executive Council and the Scientific Committee.

The Executive Council of the International Buffalo Federation is composed of the elected Chairmen of the Regional Associations, a Secretary confirmed by the President, and the President elected in the General Assembly by the IBF members of the Standing Committee.

The Executive Council will be vested of its powers after having been elected (at the end of the World Congress) and its tenure will be for three (3) years.

The Executive Council will meet as often as necessary. An absolute majority is the required quorum for the meetings. Resolutions will be approved by a two-thirds vote. The President does not vote except when the vote is a tie. His presence however counts for the quorum.

Members of the Regional Association will elect their own Executive Councils. The Chairman of the Regional association is by right a member of the International Executive Council.

The President of the International Buffalo Federation is elected at the World Buffalo Congress.

Each IBF member of the Standing Committee will vote at the World Buffalo Congress for the purpose of electing the President.

The IBF members enjoy equal voting rights, being allowed one vote each.

Nominations for the candidacy to the Presidency of IBF are submitted to the Secretariat six months prior to the World Congress. The Secretariat is responsible of circulating information on the up-coming election and about nominees to all IBF members.

The committee organizing the World Buffalo Congress allocates sufficient time in the official program to hold the election of the President. The election shall be public. All the IBF members are considered electors of the President.

The election is to be held by secret ballot. The candidate who obtains the absolute majority is proclaimed President of the International Buffalo Federation.

12.1 If no winner can be proclaimed on the first turn a run-off election is held between the two highest vote getters.

12.2 The President serves for a maximum of two terms.

Section VI. Duties of the President

1. It is the duty of the President to represent the Federation at International meetings, and with International Organizations.

2. To convene the Executive Council as often as necessary or when at least two Regional Chairman ask for it to be convened.

3. To promote the initiatives which will further the knowledge in buffaloes and to pursue the objectives of the Federation.

4.To convene the Assembly to discuss the Federation’s administration, general program, policies and priorities.

Section VI. Duties of the President

1. It is the duty of the President to represent the Federation at International meetings, and with International Organizations.

2. To convene the Executive Council as often as necessary or when at least two Regional Chairman ask for it to be convened.

3. To promote the initiatives which will further the knowledge in buffaloes and to pursue the objectives of the Federation.

4.To convene the Assembly to discuss the Federation’s administration, general program, policies and priorities.

Section VII. Duties of the Secretariat

Duties of the Secretariat are the information to all the IBF members about IBF reports and activities, exchange and dissemination of scientific and technical knowledge, managing the IBF website and online communication, linkage with other international organizations particularly with FAO/ESCORENA Buffalo Network, .

Definition and deposit of the Constitution and By-Laws, that regulate functions and continuity of the IBF activity.

Receiving the IBF fees and the requests for new IBF members and updating the IBF Standing Committee.

Publication of the Buffalo Newsletter with updating the IBF list and the IBF activities.

Receiving the requests of candidatures for IBF President.

Organization of training courses and scientific and development projects: for these purposes the Secretariat is supported by the Scientific Committee.

Section VIII. Membership

1. National, institutional and individual memberships are recognized and encouraged by the International Buffalo Federation. However representation in the Executive Council is accorded to Regional officers who will be appointed according to the procedures set by in article 6, section V.

2. Membership in the International Buffalo Federation is renewable by submitting the application form and dues. Deadlines and fees shall be established by the General Assembly. Non-payment of the fees, actually 100$/year, implies forfeiture of membership status.

3. Membership in the International Buffalo Federation falls into three categories: Collective, Associate and individual members.

3.1 National or Regional associations are Collective members

3.2 Departments and Research Institutes are associate members.

Section IX. General Assembly Meeting

1. The General Assembly meets at the World Buffalo Congress every three (3) years.

Section X. Amendments of the Constitution

1. In order to amend the Bylaws of the International Buffalo Federation a written notice of the amendments must be circulated to all members in advance of the meeting at which they are to be considered.

2. If a meeting of the General Assembly can not at that time be called, the membership is allowed to express its vote through a written ballot.

3. The amendment is approved if the majority of the members voting are in favor of it.

Section XI. Transitory and Final Provisions

This Constitution and By-Laws adopted by the General Assembly of the Federation, in Manila, Philippines, on October 21, 2004, according the Legal Act registered on October 11, 2004 in Monterotondo, Rome, by the legal Notary Dr. Francesco Di Pietro together with Prof. Antonio Borghese, Avv. Raffaele Garofalo, Prof. Luigi Zicarelli, Dr. Giuseppina Maria Terzano, Dr. Vittoria Lucia Barile, was promulgated by the President of the International Buffalo Federation Dr. Libertado C. Cruz and spread by the General Secretary Prof. Antonio Borghese to all the IBF members.

This Constitution and By-Laws contains the four amendments proposed by the Secretariat on November 2015 and voted online by the majority of the IBF members, with 68 votes on 100 members and only 6 opposite votes.

The result of the first referendum on the Constitution was spread by the Secretariat to all the IBF members.

This Constitution will render the former constitution null and void.

Done in Monterotondo, Rome, Italy on March 2, 2016.
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