Abstracts of International Symposium on Dairy Animal Reproduction (ISDAR 2015) – JVAS Vol. 5 (Supplementary 1) 2015 1 Antonella Chiariotti 3 July 2017
PATIÑO, E.M.; JUDIS, M.A.; GUANZIROLI STEFANI, C.; SÁNCHEZ NEGRETTE, M.; POCHON, D.O.; CEDRÉS, J.F.; DOVAL, M.M.; ROMERO, A.M.; CRUDELI, G.A.; REBAK, G. Conjugated linoleic acid, Omega 6 and 3 in buffalo milk in Corrientes, Argentina Antonella Chiariotti 13 February 2015
AL-SAEDY, J.; AL-FARTOSI, K. – Iraqi buffalo status and perspective. Antonella Chiariotti 12 February 2015