Buffalo Newsletter No. 39 is finally ready for you. The contents are listed below
The World Buffalo Congress, scheduled in October 2022 in Wuhan, China, was cancelled due to the pandemic. IBF members elected the new President Nicola Fabbozzo and Venezuela as host the 13th World Buffalo Congress, in Caracas from November 13 to 15, 2023 (p. 43).
The activities developed during the 10th Symposium of America and Europe held in Asunción, Paraguay from November 15 to 18, 2022 are extesively presented.
In the scientific focus section, we present several articles on nutrition for meat production (p. 3), meat characteristics (p. 8), buffalo in America (p. 16), Mexico (p. 21), Cuba (p. 25), and the special issue on Recent Developments in Buffalo Reproduction published in Animal magazine (p. 33).
Sadly, Dr. Reggeti, an IBF member from Venezuela, has passed away, and in this issue we recognize his contribution to buffalo development.
The IBF Secretariat has been working to maintain links and support for members. IBF reached 147 associates, representing 35 countries. The list is attached, as usual, at the end of this Newsletter.
The Editorial Committee